Captive Programs

Enjoy the benefits of self-funding with the security and predictability of fully insured, all within an accountable community of like-minded employers

87% of SMB Employers Agree that Pooling Risk is Necessary for Stability in Pricing.
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Realize the Value of a Like-minded Community: Employers Find Captives are the Best Way to Afford Medical Stop Loss.

Play it SAFE with Pre-Vetted Partners

ClearPoint Health proudly offers one of the most advanced Medical Stop Loss captives in the country. Our Medical Stop Loss captive benefits from our marketplace’s proprietary SAFE methodology, through which we rigorously evaluate the Sustainability, Accountability, Fairness, and Efficiency of all vendors, solutions, and carriers on behalf of the captive’s employer members. This structured framework ensures we deliver peace of mind and exceptional service to employers.

Key Features of our Medical Stop Loss Captive

Group Captive Layer Graphic

Lower Medical Stop Loss Pricing Volatility

Realize the value of being part of a like-minded community. Perks of captive participation include predictability of overall costs, rate stability, a zero upfront collateral option, and the potential to keep unused premiums.

Large Group Purchasing Power

Take advantage of collective purchasing power of our captive community, saving an average of 15% on solutions while getting market-leading terms and conditions. This collaborative strategy not only results in substantial cost savings but also guarantees access to top-tier risk management solutions customized to meet your unique needs.

Long-term Stability

Captives are the best way to make self-funded insurance more accessible and sustainable for SMB employers! Experience the predictable payments and stability that characterize a fully insured plan, while enjoying the control, savings, and collaboration baked into the captive environment.


Gain visibility into what’s driving costs and how to mitigate them. Our Member Engagement Index (MEI) playbook empowers employers and benefit advisors with employer-specific insights into what impacts premium rates and how to save more.

Flexible Self-Funded Service Partners

Choose from an array of TPAs, networks, PBMs, clinical point solutions, and navigation services, including fully integrated bundles (Fixed), integrated bundles with modular customization (Fitted), or open-architecture plans allowing experienced benefit advisors to build (Flexed).

Superior Cost Management & Employee Engagement

Experience a captive that transcends what most employers thought possible. Govern and own your own health insurance as part of an active, vibrant, and energized community of employers dedicated to taking accountability for and control over health insurance costs.

Intelligence & Reporting

We measure every employer member and their related actions towards managing addressable and avoidable costs. This includes normalizing for maintenance of good behavior as well as making improvements in behavior. MEI scores are transparently reported and rewarded within each captive.

Underwriting Surplus Shared with MEI Eligible Employers

Take a proactive approach to cost management and benefit from the distribution of unused premiums, also known as underwriting surplus, among other rewards for meeting MEI criteria.

Explore Our Captive Solutions


Group captives operate similarly to traditional insurance companies, but with a key twist: employers own and control a predictable layer of risk. They contribute premiums based on their individual risk profiles, forming a shared pool of risk premium used to cover claims. Any unused captive layer premium is eligible to be returned to the employer members instead of serving as profit to an insurance carrier.


Ideal for large employers with 1,000+ employees, single-parent captives combine existing coverage portfolios with strategic depth and flexibility. These captives provide tailored risk solutions, combining multiple lines of coverage into one captive cell, built specifically for the employer. This approach allows savings from one product line to subsidize another, as well as streamlined reporting and accounting efficiency, offering a more strategic way to manage and mitigate medical and P&C risks.

Private Label Programs & Cells

Private label programs allow benefit advisors to design their own captive program with customizable service partners, while still using ClearPoint Health’s community captive cell. This offering is great for benefit advisors who want a custom experience without the responsibility of obtaining critical employer mass. If a benefit advisor or agency has critical mass then a Private Label Cell allows for even more customization and independence, all easily administered and white-labeled by ClearPoint Health.


ClearPoint Health’s proprietary captive product, designed to help health systems and provider organizations build stronger, more valuable relationships with their local business communities, empowering them to offer clinical care and financial assurance.

Member Engagement Index

MEI Scale

Our proprietary Member Engagement Index (MEI) is an industry-leading diagnostic report that ensures an equitable insurance cost environment for all employers in the captive cell.

Today’s largest captives are all impacted by adverse risk retention, where high-performing employers are subsidizing the addressable and avoidable risk of under-performing employers. The under-performing employers are given better rates and terms than are available in the market. This is not fair, and as a result has led accountable employers in search of a Captive community that measures and incentives the right behavior.

Look no further!

In our captive, employers are categorized into one of three behavior types: Focused, Engaged, or Passive. Behavior is measured against what actions were taken on addressable and avoidable risks as detailed in each employer’s individual MEI playbook. Client Success Managers help captive members identify, strategize, implement and realize results – all informing renewal rates, the distribution of underwriting surpluses, and favorable no-new-laser (NNL) and rate cap contractual terms.

Use ClearRx as your PBM solution and offset captive collateral requirements with PBM rebates.

Access Transparent PBMs

Employer-Specific MEI Playbooks identify best in class solutions and actions with pre-vetted SAFE cost management vendors and solutions.

Manage Avoidable Costs
Utilize our Center of Excellence (COE) to align the right employers to captives, while directing other employers to more appropriate funding types.
Launch Your COE

ClearPoint Captives are Clearly Evolved

Learn More about ClearPoint Health’s Medical Stop Loss Captive!